06 September 2018

Day 1: Awakening from a Deep Slumber ... Moin Hamburg!

The CHRISTA Apostolate is embarking on new horizons in northern Deutschland -- die schönste Stadt: Hamburg. CHRISTA just acquired a workspace (!) effective 08 September 2018 (Feast of the Nativity of Mary or das Fest Mariä Geburt).

Since the last blog eons ago, much has changed with CHRISTA, and I look forward to sharing with you what these changes are in terms of vision and mission, areas of apostolate, upcoming formation, gatherings, leadership training, and whatever else is relevant to the apostolate.

Thank you for visiting the blog, and it is my sincere hope that you will continue to follow CHRISTA -- be inspired, have hope, be intrigued, fall in love (?! to be explained later because who doesn't want to fall in love?), and draw ever closer to Jesus and Our Lady. Yes! All these things are possible in relation to Jesus and Holy Mary.

As a Catholic NGO addressing the wounded from unhealthy relationships and various forms of abuse, the objective of the blog is to highlight the areas of CHRISTA and not to engage in polemical debates and controversies related to the apostolate. There are enough voices to weigh in, and not enough advocating, supporting, and listening to the voices of those wounded. 

Therefore, please respect the content of the blog, which is varied. Inappropriate or irrelevant comments will be steadfastly deleted in order to preserve the integrity of our focus on the question and practice of healing and healthy relationships within a Catholic Christian context.

On that note, a Herzlich 'Willkommen!' or a heartfelt 'Welcome!' to the awakening of the CHRISTA Apostolate! Don't snooze past these workspace pics!

Why is Doctor of the Church, Hildegard of Bingen's Scivias (Scito vias Domini, or Know the Ways of God)(written 1141-51), on the table of the first picture? To find out, you will have to come back to the blog ;) I DID mention much has changed with CHRISTA, and this is one of the main, newest and exciting dimensions ... I guarantee: You will not be disappointed. Vielen Dank und tschüss!

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